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Nickii12 last won the day on March 5 2024

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  1. I have been playing in this place for years even before this site had online games. After several years and from the deposits of millions of dollars without margin, I protested to VIPhost that the games have a funny scam, and they s muted me down for a week. . My sccount is v44 but this is not important my account was normally but I was muted after 2 days after deposit 1 eth it was locked and support don't any answer to me don't answer email why ? What is this behavior by a player This amount of history and with a minimum deposit of three hundred dollars a day And why and for what reason should my account be locked later this year, this behavior of yours is not acceptable you must answer email and have a behavior for playing Have a behavior that the players can trust. Their principles are wrong and it's very disappointing that the players don't know how the story will end and I'm still in shock of this story. How they can do this how? How How do they profit for themselves with other people's money and capital?
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