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  1. I've also figured it out. You can even use my method with whichever of your scripts you like. The only thing is that the system detects the switch one round after it happened, but that's not a problem. Here's a video of it working. Feel free to PM me.
  2. . Can you please share the updated version of the script, Jamie?
  3. Well, can I raise my hand and get included into the selected few? That will be deeply appreciated and I believe we can make great stuff in the long run!
  4. So what is a good Limbo/Hash Dice script you would recommend?
  5. If it used to work with the last 200 games to determine the pattern and now it's limited to only 10, then it shouldn't be as good as before. However, I know a site which is kind of a crash tool, it can fetch you the last 50k games. Can we integrate that into the script and make it great again?
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